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April 1 2010 5 01 /04 /April /2010 23:34


Sliding Puzzle is a puzzle game of skill. It consists of 8 squares which are numbered 1 - 8 and one blank space. Each number is placed inside a square and randomly placed. There are three rows of numbers and 3 columns of numbers. The setup is similar to a tic-tac-toe grid. The object of this puzzle game is to move the numbers around until they are in numerical order, 1-3 in the top row, 4-6 in the middle row, 7 and 8 in the bottom row.


You do this by moving each square. The tricky part of the game is that you are only allowed to move each number one space at a time depending on where the blank space is. Sometimes you might have a number in place where it belongs, but you wind up having to move it because another number you need can not move until the other number is moved out of the way. You might remember playing this type of a puzzle as a child when you were little.


Play the Sliding Puzzle!

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